Game Settings
Game specific settings can be used to control how certain SGI features handle specific games.
Click in the sidebar
Hover over the game you wish to edit settings for and click
Click game settings
Max idle time (minutes)
- Purpose: Set the maximum amount of time (in minutes) this game should be idled for. SGI will stop idling this game when the time limit is reached
- Considerations: This only affects games that are idled by Playtime Booster and Auto Idler, and does not affect games idled by Card Farming or Achievement Unlocker
Max card drops
- Purpose: Set the maximum amount of card drops you want Card Farming to farm for this game before it stops
- Considerations: There are no set times or guarantees on card drop intervals, so even though SGI will try to stay within this limit as best as it can, it may not always be perfect
Max achievement unlocks
- Purpose: Set the maximum amount of achievements you want Achievement Unlocker to unlock for you. SGI will stop unlocking achievements for this game and remove it from the
achievement unlocker list
when the limit is reached
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